Unwanted Koi Service

Do you have some unwanted koi to surrender?

The Koi Society of WA have made arrangements with the following to take in unwanted koi. Please contact them before bringing the koi in:

  • Woodvale Fish & Lily Farm in Woodvale. Ph (08) 9409 9248
  • Aquatico (Ian) in Armadale. Ph (08) 9399 1100
  • Living Ponds (Darien) in East Victoria Park. Ph (08) 9470 6977

  • Any healthy koi are rehomed, any unhealthy koi are humanely euthanised. Please note that they don't come out and catch your koi, you'll need to bring the koi to them. Please feel free to contact the Koi Society of WA for advice.

    Please do not dispose of unwanted fish or aquatic plants into Australian waterways. It is our duty to safeguard the environment from any release of koi into rivers and lakes.

    Your responsible actions will ensure that koi keepers are seen by the government and the public as environmentally trustworthy and ensure that our hobby can be enjoyed by future generations.

    View PDF Unwanted Koi poster (multilingual)

    WA Fisheries Don't dump that fish program

    The KSWA support the WA Department of Fisheries' 'Don't dump that fish' program which aims to educate the WA community, ornamental fish industry and fish owners on how to safely and responsibly manage unwanted pet fish.

    WA's native fish are under serious threat due to the release of ornamental fish into our waterways. Pets can become pests and often people are unaware that releasing their unwanted fish into nearby waterways can have disastrous consequences on our native species and environment. Once established, pests can be very difficult if not impossible to eradicate. Koi are a small but still unwanted part of this problem, so we emplore all koi keepers in WA to do the right thing and not dispose of any koi in rivers or lakes.

    If you no longer want your fish please call one of the above businesses for rehoming them.

    Alternatively give them to an aquarium, other fish owners, an organisation with an aquarium or someone willing to take them. If you can't find a new home for your fish, or if they are sick or diseased, dispose of them humanely. Visit the RSPCA website for advice on how to 'humanely euthanase fish'.

    The following resources have been developed to help support the program:
  • Brochure
  • Poster
  • Sticker for fish transport bags
  • Video

    The KSWA have copies of these materials available, or you can email the Department of Fisheries Biosecurity Section if you would like some copies.

    For further information visit www.fish.wa.gov.au/biosecurity

    Don't dump that fish video competition - There are also some great DDTF videos produced by year 4-8 students as part of the video competition run by the Department of Parks and Wildlife last year http://www.fish.wa.gov.au/Sustainability-and-Environment/Aquatic-Biosecurity/Pages/Don't-Dump-That-Fish.aspx


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  • © Koi Society of Western Australia 2025